Tarsier X®
Tarsier X® is a cost effective, complete solution for obtaining accurate dental X-rays
It has a unique sensor holder+aligner combination that will augment user efficiency as well as patient comfort
First of its kind product based on Bisecting angle technique

Why Us?
Positioning error(Cone-cut) is the most common error in dental radiology

Taking dental X-rays is a blind and complex procedure.

Repeat X-rays cause additional radiation exposure and loss of critical clinical time.

Tarsier X®- a novel solution to eliminate all positioning errors
Eikona X was created by dentists, for dentists and represents our journey from dentists to entrepreneurs

Dr. Ritika Sabat
Intern, Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal
The Tarsier X Analog is extremely useful in taking IOPA’s. It reduces the time of calculating the angle and orientation of the X-ray tube and makes procedure less cumbersome. It saves patient’s time and also minimizes the chances of repeat radiographs

Dr. Carol Gloria Moras
Post graduate, Dept. of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, MCODS, Manipal
A time efficient device. As an Endodontist we have to take multiple radiographs for every tooth undergoing RCT. Though RVG with its numerous advantages gives quick images, the problem lies with the small size of the sensor and inaccurate tube head placement making it difficult to capture both the crown and root without a cone cut. But, to the rescue comes this device, solving these issues, making quick RVG captures hassle-free and ultimately making our process more efficient and quicker.
Incubated at

Awards & Recognitions

BIG partner


Clinical trials at
Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Manipal
Technical Support
Center for System Design, NITK Surathkal